
How to warm up for lifting weights

August 30, 2024 / Strength

Let’s face it, warm-ups are the least sexy part of a lifting session but it’s important not to skip it. This post will cover the why and how of warming up specifically for lifting. Let’s get into it. Why warm-up? It can increase performance It can reduce injury It prepares the body to get into […]

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3 day strength template

August 29, 2024 / Strength

Not everyone can or wants to work out every day. 3-day strength programs are my go-to when life gets busy. Furthermore, it balances accumulating volume to progress while not living in the gym. Schedule There’s only one thing to keep in mind with 3-day workouts. Keep at least one rest day between lifting days for […]

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Intuitive workouts: A flexible approach

August 25, 2024 / Strength

I don’t know about you but sometimes I overthink things. That can be the case for me when planning weeks of workouts ahead of time. I’ll be sitting there tweaking exercises, sets and reps. I’ll be studying programs that others have written for inspiration. All of this is in an attempt to make the perfect […]

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Periodisation for strength: How to progress long term

August 5, 2024 / Strength

I remember in my younger years jumping on the internet and trying to learn as much as I could about lifting. It wasn’t long before the word “periodisation” came up. I was puzzled yet intrigued by this fancy word. Naturally, it was a letdown. Turns out it’s just long-term planning. It’s a dry topic but […]

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Save time on your workout: Part 2 – Myo-reps

June 1, 2024 / Strength

In a normal set, the first reps are easy and only the last reps are hard. These hard reps can be described as effective reps. With myo-reps, the goal is to get more effective reps in less time. This method is best used for hypertrophy.   Myo-rep example: Perform the first set for as many […]

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Save time on your workout: Part 1 – Supersets

June 1, 2024 / Strength

Perform two different exercises back to back with minimal rest. Keep quality and performance high by choosing exercises with the least cross-over or interference. Doing them in this fashion almost halves the time.   Example 1: For 3 sets perform Bench 10 reps, Rest 90s Row 10 reps, Rest 90s This is an antagonist superset. […]

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Program Notes: Starting Strength

May 23, 2024 / Strength

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is a popular novice program for anyone looking to build size and strength. There’s no fluff in this program. It gets people started and focused on big compound movements. Days per week: 3 Who is it for: Novices Goal: Strength and size   The program The program consists of 2 […]

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Gym equipment for strength training at home

January 8, 2024 / Strength

Ever wonder what you need to start strength training? As always, it depends. There’s an upfront cost for the essentials but it will serve you for a lifetime. Let’s get into it. The essential strength equipment Here is my must-have gym equipment that covers two simple requirements. Firstly, they enable performing all the main lifting […]

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RPE for strength training

September 23, 2023 / Strength

Ever gone to the gym and not able to lift the weight planned? It’s happened to me many times. On some programs it’s fine and expected. On others it can be a real hit to the ego.  I’ve done 12 week strength programs based on percentages of your one repetition max. The weight on the […]

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4 ways progress strength for beginners

September 3, 2023 / Strength

Getting stronger is a slow process. It requires some patience (something I wish I had more of). Over time getting that extra rep, set or a bit more weight can get tough. It’s good to have a few different strategies up your sleeve to keep the momentum going and avoid boredom. Here’s some strength progression […]

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