
Kettlebell cardio workouts for lifters

September 1, 2023 / Conditioning

I hate cardio. I couldn’t think of a word stronger than hate. You might feel that way too. This is all well and good unless you’ve got aspirations on being fit. It’s a bit of a dilemma. Cardio is like vegetables. They are good for you but most don’t want to eat them. Just do […]

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Kettlebell workout: Dan John’s Armour Building Complex is perfect for busy people

August 19, 2023 / Strength

This complex is by a legendary strength coach Dan John. What I love about Dan John is he simplifies everything with strength training. He’s also got a knack of keeping things reasonable. Here’s the kettlebell strength complex: Grab a pair of heavy kettlebells and do this 2 cleans, 1 press, 3 front squats Go for […]

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Deadlift Technique: Static Start vs dynamic start

August 4, 2023 / Strength

Are you getting the most out of your deadlift technique? I was sending my training videos to my coach David. He reviewed my deadlift technique and asked if I have ever tried a dynamic start. The truth is, I’ve not heard it described this way. So….no. Here’s example video he shared with me of a […]

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Fobbit Intervals: Conditioning that’s actually fun

July 29, 2023 / Conditioning

Hate running? For those who don’t like steady state running here is a good way to get fit. It’s a workout from a book called Tactical Barbell II: Conditioning by K Black. The book is part of a series focused on improving both strength and conditioning for tactical law enforcement candidates, soldiers and recreational athletes. […]

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Andy Bolton Cycling: A strategy for steady strength gains

July 4, 2023 / Strength

In this instalment I wanted to share one of the ideas I wish I knew in my first year lifting. It’s straightforward and deals with challenges faced after the novice phase. Here it is. Enjoy. “A Simple and highly effective way to add pounds to your deadlift (and squat, bench and military press if you […]

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Short strength workouts for busy people

May 20, 2023 / Strength

How do you fit in workouts when life gets busy? The idea of doing exercise is easy. I mean it’s not like lifting weights requires special skills or talents. There’s also strong evidence on the benefits of exercise. Despite knowing the benefits, why can it be such a struggle? Maybe you don’t feel like it. […]

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Why do strength workouts with barbells

May 5, 2023 / Strength

I love barbells. There I said it. I love its incredible utility for training for strength and size. Here’s why barbells work so well. Allows for a wide variety of exercises If you’re looking for a well-rounded exercise program, you’ve got hit those core movements. Push, pull, squat, and hinge. Guess what? Barbells have got […]

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4 ways to make strength training sustainable

April 19, 2023 / Strength

Have you ever been burnt out from your exercise routine? Maybe it went something like this. You’ve decided to start exercising or maybe you have decided to try a new program. You’re pumped and ready to give it a go. You hit the gym, nail the workout and go home feeling great. But then it […]

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