
Welcome to Wild Barbell. Chances are you’ve ended up here because you want to get stronger and be in better shape. Good chance you also have a lot going on in life. If so, we have a lot in common and I’m glad you’re here.

What is Wild Barbell

This is a tiny corner of the internet where I offer simple strength programs and training tips for anyone starting out. The focus is barbells but can also include dumbbells and kettlebells.

Who is it for

Anyone starting and wants to learn the basics of barbell-focused strength training.


I see strength training and exercise as a keystone habit. Investing even a small amount of time and energy will make other areas of your life a little easier or better. What that looks like is different from person to person.

Essentially the approach revolves around these principles:

  • Do the basics well
  • Scale don’t skip
  • Keep it simple and sustainable
  • Make it work with your current lifestyle
  • Yo-yo between easy and hard
  • Don’t take it too seriously


Who am I?

Hi I’m Phil. A father of 3. Seeker of simplicity. Exercise enthusiast.

I’ve been exercising in different shapes and forms for many years. While I’m far from an athlete, I do encourage others to build an exercise habit. I would love to help as many people as possible to experience the benefits for themselves.


These amazing little girls keep me grounded. I seek simplicity but in reality, life is more chaotic than calm.


My last back squat session. I love training at home by myself. Yep, I’m weird.

Enough about me.


How to get started?

Contact me and I will send you my beginner barbell program. It’s what I would do if I started all over again. Email phil@wildbarbell.com with the subject line “BEGINNER PROGRAM” and I’ll send it to you.

If you aren’t ready for that. Go have a read of my articles. I’ll continually add more helpful content.