
Exercise List

December 12, 2024

Here is a short list of common exercises in lifting routines. I like to categorise exercises in different ways.

By pattern: Push, Pull, Squat, Hinge, Other. (Push and pull can be further split into vertical and horizontal)

By intent: Primary (strength focus), Secondary (strength or technique focus), Accessory (hypertrophy focus), Other

By competition lift (for powerlifting): Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Accessory. For powerlifters, the exercises are biased to transfer to the 3 main competition lifts.

By muscle group: Chest, Lats, Triceps, Biceps, Delts, Quads, Hamstrings etc

This categorisation is far from perfect if you want to nitpick at the classifications. However, I’ve found simple categorisations are easier to work with. It’s simply a way to write programs faster and helps substitute exercises in a program.


Squat pattern

Back Squat

  • Primary lift
  • Can be done high-bar or low-bar style

Pause Back Squat

  • Secondary lift
  • It helps with improving squatting technique and control
  • It helps when the weak point is at the bottom of the squat
  • It is useful when you want to limit the weight used. It’s about 90% of squat depending on the pause length.

Pin Back Squat

  • Secondary lift
  • Similar advantages as above.
  • Unable to bounce out the pause compared to the Pause Back Squat

Tempo Back Squat

Front Squat

Zercher Squat

  • A variation of the squat where the barbell is front-loaded on the body. The barbell is placed in the crooks of the elbows. This is uncomfortable, especially at the beginning.
  • Generally seen as a love-hate exercise.
  • The exercise is loosely comparable to the front squat. It is a good option when you don’t have the wrist and thoracic flexibility do perform the front squat well.
  • The Zercher squat is more like a goblet squat.
  • The weight is closer to your center of gravity, it is easier to learn the squat technique.
  • It’s great for grapplers, strongmen and military types as it mimics the positions needed.
  • For Olympic lifters and Crossfitters, the front squat may be a better alternative.

Heel Elevated Squat

Belt Squat

Leg Press


Bulgarian Split Squat


Hinge pattern


Sumo Deadlift

Pause Deadlift

Deficit Deadlift

Tempo Deadlift

2 Stop Deadlift

Snatch-Grip Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift

Zercher RDL/Good Morning


Push Pattern

Bench Press

Pause Bench Press

Pin Bench Press

Tempo Bench Press

Feet Up Bench Press

Close-Grip Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

Overhead Press

Push Press


Weighted Dips


Pull Pattern

Barbell Row

Pendlay Row

Chest Supported Row

One-arm Dumbbell Row



Assisted Pull-up

Assisted Chin-up

Lat Pulldown

Seated Row



Farmer Carries

Core (Ab rollout, Planks, Reverse Curl, Copenhagen Plank, Hanging Leg Raise etc)

Biceps (Bicep curl, hammer curl, incline curl etc)

Triceps (tricep push-downs, tricep extensions, skull crushers etc)

Delts (lateral raise, rear delt raise etc)

Quads (leg extension, Spanish squats etc)

Hamstrings (leg curl, good morning, DB Romanian deadlifts etc)


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