Kettlebell cardio workouts for lifters

I hate cardio.

I couldn’t think of a word stronger than hate. You might feel that way too. This is all well and good unless you’ve got aspirations on being fit.

It’s a bit of a dilemma.

Cardio is like vegetables. They are good for you but most don’t want to eat them. Just do what fancy restaurants do and slather it in something tasty like butter. Surprise, surprise…broccoli has never tasted so good.

The same principle can be applied to cardio. You could strap on your shoes and run down misery lane, or you could try a mixed workout like this


Workout 1: Double Kettlebells

3 rounds
5 x Double Kettlebell Clean
30m Front Rack Carry
20 cals on Assault Bike

Directly into

3 rounds
30m Farmers Carry
20 cals on Assault Bike

Note: the bike can be substituted for any form of cardio. Yes you get the pleasure of choosing your own poison.

Scale, adjust and pace as needed to get the training effect you want. For example increase the rounds and the Airbike calories (or distance) for a longer Zone 2 workout.

Here’s another example

Workout 2: Single Kettlebell

3 rounds
10 each side x Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
30m Waiters Walk each side
20 cals on Assault Bike

Directly into

3 rounds
10 each side x Single Arm Kettlebell Swing
20 cals on Assault Bike

My experience has been that time goes so much faster this way and I can build strength at the same time.

That’s it. Give it a go.

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