
Why do strength workouts with barbells

May 5, 2023

I love barbells. There I said it. I love its incredible utility for training for strength and size.

Here’s why barbells work so well.

Allows for a wide variety of exercises

If you’re looking for a well-rounded exercise program, you’ve got hit those core movements. Push, pull, squat, and hinge. Guess what? Barbells have got you covered! You can do bench press, overhead press, row, squat, and deadlift variations. These all great compound movements.

Honestly, if you stick with these exercises for the long haul, you’ll be in a brilliant position.

Easier to progress

One of the most enjoyable things when lifting is seeing progress. There’s a real buzz in beating old strength numbers.

With barbell strength training, you can increase the weight by tiny amounts. With this level of control you can lift just the right amount based on your current level. So instead of being stuck on the same weight, imagine being able to see these small improvements.

And let’s not forget the other side is true too. You can stack on the heavy plates with a barbell and chase those gains for a lifetime.

It’s accessible

When I first joined the gym they only had two power racks in the entire gym. You had to go to a specialised gym. Can you believe it? These days you won’t have any problems getting your hands on barbells, plates and a rack at a commercial gym.

On top of this it’s also become more affordable to buy yourself. Personally, I train at home in my garage. I’m a huge fan of training at home for you time-strapped lifters but more on this another time.

My point is that if you follow a simple barbell program you won’t have much issues finding a place and equipment to do it.

Builds strength, size and power

Barbells can be loaded HEAVY. Unlike dumbbells or kettlebells, it’s never awkward to get into position or hold as it gets heavier. For this reason it’s the best tool for training maximal strength.

What about lifting weights for size? It’s quite straightforward given you can easily change the weight on the bar and work different rep ranges. It’s a matter of hitting enough sets and eating enough.

Finally you can train for power with exercises like the clean and snatch. Need proof? Drop into an olympic weightlifting gym. The guys and girls there are lightning fast. They are incredible.

So depending on how you use it, you can develop different qualities with a barbell.

That’s it

If I had to pick one style of training, it would be barbell strength training. That’s my not so secret weapon. It’s versatile and suitable for beginners through to advanced.

Enjoy lifting.

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